यूनिकोड से चाणक्य फॉण्ट परिवर्तक Unicode to Chanakya Font Converter
यूनिकोड सामग्री यहां पेस्ट करें :
इनपुट का प्रकार:
Plain TEXT
रूपान्तरित चाणक्य सामग्री यहां मिलेगी:
It is very easy to convert Unicode Hindi Font to Chanakya Hindi Font. Chanakya font is very famous fonts and used in News paper printing and magazines publication round the world. When you have to sent any article or poem to publish in newspaper you have to send in different font formats. This conversion tool can convert the fonts easily. If you write with google indic IME or any other transliteration service, you would get the text in Unicode, but when you need to send it to a publication house, they demand it in Chanakya Font. The converter fulfills your need. So get ready type or paste your Unicode font in given box and click the convert button to get Chanakya font. Copy the Chanakya font from box 2 and paste it wherever you want. If you have any problem, Kindly Comment.